

Bus Buddies Businesses

Do you own a business that you would like to promote or would like to recommend a business or service, share it here.

Bordom Busters

A discussion thread about how you pass the time on the bus. This thread was suggested by Tigerbyte who eats vegetables for a good part of the time and now has several of us addicted to snap peas. I pass the time thinking about new items for the blog!


Contribute your favorite commuter story

Good or bad, we want to hear about it

A Good Week

It has been a good week on the bus so far. Lots of interesting conversations and great ideas for the blog. We (the crowd at the back of the bus) were extremely loud this appologies to the other passengers. Even Doug was happy to see most of us get off at the first few stops! The highlights this afternoon were that Dave a caught drinking a b...? you judge for yourself and Matt learned how to spell Google...well done Matt.