

Contribute your favorite commuter story

Good or bad, we want to hear about it


  1. I remember the day Matt pointed out to Carey that she had dropped something on the floor. He went on to tell her that, if she was going to drop things on the floor, it should be $10 or $20 bills.
    A few days later Matt was astounded to find the floor littered with a bunch of $$ bills. To his dismay they weren't real but they may have the habit of appearing at unexpected times in the future.
    Dropping money on the floor of the bus is a practice encouraged by every driver I have spoken with...go figure!

  2. The most interesting evening commute to date has to be a dark Friday afternoon in early November. A young boy got on the bus downtown and sat at the front. Dave, struck up a conversation with the young lad; we learned that his name was Brian and that he was in grade 6 at St. Andrew's. The conversation that followed between Dave, Bonnie and a few others was amazing. Brian held is own with discussions about American politics, the Catholic Church's stance on abortion, same sex relationships and other equally contraversial topics. I was so impressed with this young man who still occassionally rides the bus on Friday afternoon.
