

Suggestions for the Blog

Please post your suggestions for the blog.


  1. We should have a thread where we can discuss what we do to pass the time on the commute.

  2. How about a thread where we can tell things about ourselves?

  3. Are you having trouble posting a comment?

    You have to be signed into the BLOG using your Google account.

    Don't have a Google account yet, go to, click on "Sign In" then select create an account

    Following that, you log into the BLOG using that account (which can also be used for many other activities but that is the stuff of other BLOGS)

    Once you are logged in, posting comments in any of the topics becomes easy. Type in the provided space, select your Google name from the Comment as: box and click the Post Comment button.

    What could be easier? Well eating ice cream could be I guess.

    Now lets see you post some comments since if I have to watch you eat ice cream I will be jealous.

  4. I would like to see a thread where we can post our protests against the undead riding the bus. I am tired of their boring conversations and stiff attitudes and want them back in the graveyard where they belong.
